PEREGRINE Documentation
Executable Mode
PEREGRINE can run in both a scriptable mode for simple cases, or executable mode for larger production runs. For examples of scripting modes, see the examples directory in the repository. For executable mode, see the case directory structure here, as well as the format the the input config file below. In executable mode, one creates an initialization file (a zero-th restart file) and begins from there. A scripted approach is best suited for this, read in a grid, use all the python goodies you want to create the initial flow field, then fire away:
import peregrinepy as pg
nblks = 10 #number of grid blocks
ns = 2 #number of species
# create multiblock restart
mb = pg.multiBlock.restart(nblks, ns)
# read in grid
pg.readers.readGrid(mb, "/path/to/g.*")
# iterate over each block and
# set values of initialization in q
# (can access the x,y,z coords of cell centers with
# blk.array["xc"][:,:,:] and so on.)
for blk in mb:
blk.array["q"][:,:,:, 0] = 101325.0 #pressure
blk.array["q"][:,:,:, 1] = 1.0 # u velocity
blk.array["q"][:,:,:, 2] = 0.0 # v velocity
blk.array["q"][:,:,:, 3] = 0.0 # w velocity
blk.array["q"][:,:,:, 4] = 0.0 # Temperature
blk.array["q"][:,:,:, 5] = 0.0 # First species
# ... and so on for ns-1 species.
# write out the zeroth restart file
Coprocessing with ParaView is amazing, but takes effort to make it work well in my experience. It seems they have cleaned it up a lot from back in the day. To start download and install Paraview from source. I have tested up to 5.11 and it works well for me. To make coprocessing work, you need to compile paraview in catalyst mode. With cmake, pass the argument:
Assume you are installing it in /path/to/paraview
Some Tips and Tricks
You must set the cmake flags:
Make sure ParaView finds the correct python you are planning to use with PEREGRINE.
Once you configure a bunch of times, look for a group of options that look like VTK_MODULE_USE_EXTERNAL_VTK_*
. You want to turn on as many of those as you can, otherwise ParaView will download, and fail, to install many of these. Especially mpi4py
, png
, libxml
and so on. Hopefully your cluster has these already and you can module load them, or your package manager probably has them too.
To get it to work, you have to set these environment variables so python can find the catalyst install.
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/paraview/lib/python3.XX/site-packages
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/path/to/paraview/lib
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/paraview/lib
You will know it worked if from paraview.catalyst import bridge
works in an interpreter.
Good Luck!
Code Structure
There are a bunch of utilities to make running with PEREGRINE easier, see the utilities folder. They are pretty obvious from the name. Here is a brief list and summary.
ct2pgChem: For performance, PEREGRINE hand writes the chemical source term kernel for a given chemistry mechanism. This utility takes a cantera yaml file and outputs a C++ source code ready to be used in PEREGRINE. You just need to add the C++ code to the appropriate folder in
(make sure to add the pybind11 bindings as well), and thecompute
module will have access to your new chemical source terms. -
ct2pgTHTR: Thermodynamic and transport properties are given to PEREGRINE via a stripped down, custom yaml file that is read in at run time. This utility creates that file from a cantera yaml file. The order of the species is set by this file (and thus the order in the canter file). So make sure this is the order you want, and this agrees with the order in your chemistry kernel.
cutGrid: This utility decomposes a PEREGRINE grid into smaller blocks be performing persistent number cuts of blocks along a specified axis. YAY MULTIBLOCK!
generateTracePoints: Generate trace point input file for collecting data at points during a simulation.
gridPro2pg: Grid Pro mesh to PEREGRINE mesh translation.
icem2pg: ICEM mesh to PEREGRINE mesh translation.
interpolate: Interpolate results from one mesh to another mesh.
loadBalancer: Distribute blocks amongst a set number of groups.
verifyGrid: Go block by block, face by face, and make sure everyone agrees who is connected to who, and in what orientation.
Config File
PEREGRINE run in executable mode requires an input configuration file (in yaml format) to tell it what to do. Here is a sample of such a file with comments.
# input output directories
gridDir: ./Grid
inputDir: ./Input
restartDir: ./Restart
archiveDir: ./Archive
# simulation control
niter: 10
dt: 0.9
restartFrom: 0
animateRestart: true
animateArchive: true
niterRestart: 1 #save out restart files
niterArchive: 10 #save out light weight single precision files
niterPrint: 1 #print to stdout case progress
variableTimeStep: true
maxCFL: 1.0
checkNan: 1
solver: # solver selection
timeIntegration: rk1
RHS: # RHS control
shockHandling: null #method of shock handling
primaryAdvFlux: secondOrderKEEP # how to compute low dissipative adctive flux
secondaryAdvFlux: null # how to compute low order stable advective flux
switchAdvFlux: null # how to switch between the two
diffusion: true #solve diffusion terms?
subgrid: null #use a subgrid model?
thermochem: #thermo, transport, chem options
spdata: ["O2", "N2"] # list of species names, or path to THTR input yaml
eos: cpg
trans: constantProps #transport property calculations
chemistry: false
mechanism: null #name of mechanism compiled in the compute module.
coprocess: # coprocessing
catalyst: false # or path to paraview catalyst input python file
trace: false # or path to trace points file
niterTrace: 1