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Executable Mode (Running real cases)

The directory structure is as follows:

├──        # symlink to
├── Archive                # Folder to write archive results (*.h5, *.xmf)
├── Restart                # Folder to read/write restarts (q.h5, q.xmf)
├── Grid                   # Folder to read/write grid (g.h5, g.xmf)
├── peregrine.yaml         # PEREGRINE config file (see /src/peregrinepy/files/
├── Input                  # Folder to hold all input files
│   ├── conn.yaml          # Connectivity file
│   ├── bcFams.yaml        # Boundary conditions file
└── └── blocksForProcs.inp # Load balancing file

Connectivity File

The connectivity file conn.yaml uses GridPro notation for block connectivity.

Boundary Conditions File

The boundary conditions file bcFams.yaml specifies the boundary conditions. See templates.

Load Balancing File

The load balancing file blocksForProcs.inp is just a text file where each line represents the nth MPI rank and which block numbers that rank is responsible for. For example:

0,1 # 0th MPI rank has blocks 0,1
2,3 # 1st MPI rank has blocks 2,3